Sunday, May 24, 2015

To Sympathize with Confederates

In the middle of the 1800's my country had slaves. Whole swathes of  our country saw it as a way of life. It was how the world was, how it had to be. The only problem was eventually half the country realized that slavery harmed a significant portion of our population. They started with attempted legal battles, protests, small rebellions and ended with one of the bloodiest wars in American history. During this struggle, both sides thought they were doing the right thing. one side thought they were preserving a country while freeing a group of persecuted people. The other also thought they were protecting their country and defending their property. Does this justify confederates owning slaves? No. Their "property" was only what they were because of kidnapping, theft, and greed. These people only continued to be property because of a culture that turned a blind eye to the humanity of other human beings.

That being said, would I have done the same thing in their position? Most likely. I'm not proud of it, but I suspect I would have blended into the culture of the time just like anyone else. I would have tried to protect the massive injustices that existed at the time because I either didn't see them as injustices, or didn't care. It makes me sad, but it makes me ask two questions. what injustices to we not see because they are all around us, because they are implicitly justified or purposely ignored? Or an even odder question, how do we know when something is an injustice when we are a part of it? Are there times when we are justified in what we do when we think we are wrong? Sometimes it is hard to tell. and it is scary to think of what I do when I am wrong. Do I advocate slavery without realizing it? Do I encourage immorality when I should know it is wrong? Do I take away another person's freedom or choices unjustly or do I permit sin because I don't take it as seriously as God does?

There are many things in this world that make me ask these questions. There are police who shoot unarmed people with no consequences. There are people who in anger loot and terrorize neighborhoods as a response. There are protestors with signs saying "God hates fags". I see pastors treating the bible as a get rich quick scheme. I see people ignore parts of the bible that challenge them. Or throwing out the Word entirely for their own benefit or in self-justification. I see Christians ignore science when it is convenient and actively disregard science when it isn't. I see so much false condemnation that I forget what real rebuke is supposed to look like. I see people trying to conquer or convert Christianity for self-righteous reasons. and I see Christians act against the Law of love for self-righteousness and greed. It would be a terrible tragedy to see the community that reminds me to love even my enemies to be conquered either by the accusations Satan fools us into making, or false or ignorant accusations or requirements made against us.